DIOCESE OF BARBADOS – Baptism – A Journey from Creation to Commitment

Online Lenten Study 2021  
The Most Rev’d Dr John W D Holder
Retired Bishop of Barbados and Archbishop of the West Indies

Zoom Meeting ID: 818 0181 6250
Passcode: 691874

Week I – Thursday 18 February – Baptism and Creation

Baptism Liturgy – The blessing of water in the service of Baptism

We thank you, Almighty God, for the gift of water. Over it the Holy Spirit moved in the beginning of creation. Through it you led the children of Israel out of their bondage in Egypt into the land of promise. In it your Son Jesus received the baptism of John and was anointed by the Holy Spirit as the Messiah, the Christ, to lead us, through his death and resurrection, from the bondage of sin into everlasting life.                                                  (BCP – CPWI – p.277)

  • Water, water everywhere
  • Water – A powerful story about God and the origin and the  sustenance  of life
  • Water –  Used in baptism (religion) as a  symbol (sacrament)of change and transformation
  • Water as a symbol of new beginnings

Week II – Thursday 25 February – Baptism and Responsibility

Baptism Liturgy – Instructions to Parents and Godparents

Parents and Godparents, the children (child) whom you have brought to Baptism will by reason of their infancy depend on your help and encouragement to grow in the knowledge, reverence and service o0f Almighty God Our Heavenly Father.                   (BCP – CPWI – p.274)

  • Adult responsibility in the practice of infant baptism
  • Baptism and family responsibility
  • Baptism and clerical/pastoral responsibility
  • Baptism and congregational  responsibility

Week III – Thursday 4 March – Baptism: Connecting to the community

Baptism Liturgy – Words following the act of Baptism

God has anointed you to Himself and received you into His family the Church. I sign you with the cross, the sign of Christ. Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified. Fight valiantly against all evil and continue Christ’s faithful servant to the end of your life.                                                     (BCP – CPWI – p.278)

  • Baptism, especially Infant Baptism as message to the wider community
  • Infant Baptism and the value of children
  • Infant Baptism as a message about  the guidance and  the protection of children
  • Baptism as  mission, that is, Christian influence beyond the congregation

Week IV – Thursday 11 March – Baptism: Building the congregation

Baptism liturgy – growing up in the congregation

As the (newly baptized) grow up they will also need the help and encouragement…. So that they learn to ne faithful in public worship  and private prayer to live by love and trust in God, and in due course to come to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop in confirmation.                                           (BCP – CPWI – p.274)

  • Baptism as a congregation event
  • Baptism as more than  recruitment
  • Baptism as an affirmation of  the central role of a congregation
  • Baptism as a congregation’s message of hope

Week V – Thursday 18 March – Baptism: Personal Commitment

Introduction to the Baptismal Vows (Adult baptism)

Those who come for baptism must declare their acceptance of Christ and their rejection of evil.                             (BCP – CPWI – p.297)

  • Baptism as commitment to Christian ideals
  • Baptism as commitment to demonstrating that it is still possible to be good
  • Baptism as  commitment to be a leader in  offering Christian support and guidance
  • Baptism as commitment to be an experience of hope