Bishop Wright Celebrated 15 years of service

On November 17, 2020 Bishop Philip Wright of The Diocese of Belize Celebrated 15 years as Bishop. Here is what he wrote on that day:

“Today I celebrate 15 years of consecration as a Bishop in the Church of God. It has been quite a journey for me. As I told a friend, 5 or so years into the sojourn, never before have I had the profound appreciation of what the life of my Lord must have been like – to be a pastor of pastors; to carry the weight of responsibility in helping the flock of Christ in its participation in the Mission of God to this world. Yet, it has been a wonderful experience and one that has certainly seen me grow in so many ways, not the least of which in my relationship with God and a greater awareness of His presence in my life. As you would imagine, on that day, November 17th, 2005, I received many messages of congratulations and best wishes. A few even expressed their sympathy for me when they considered the weight of the office. I was about to take on. I also received many advice and words of counsel. One such that has always stood out in my mind went something like this: “Philip, bear this in mind. You will discover, over time, that you really have two sets of friends. For one, you will be a friend who happens to be a bishop; for the other, you will be a bishop who happens to be a friend. Know the difference.” I have come to discover, over the years, how true this is. Many thanks to all who have supported me and, by extension, the work of the Diocese and the Church. Carla joins me in wishing you well. May God continue to richly bless each and every one of you.