The Spiritual Disciplines, perspectives for the Caribbean Church 

Defining Spiritual Disciplines According to Donald S. Whitney, the Spiritual Disciplines are those practices found in Scripture that promote spiritual growth among believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ. [1] Whitney goes on to say that these are the habits of devotion and experiential Christianity that have been practiced by …

Retired Anglican Bishop Robert Thompson Dies

Bishop Thompson who retired in 2020 after 47 years as an ordained minister is remembered for the “single-minded passion” which he displayed for his lifelong pastoral vocation in the Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands. This culminated with his consecration in 2005 as Suffragan Bishop of Kingston – an …

Christmas Message – Bishop Ernest A. Flemming

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,Once more we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s most vital gift to humans. It’s themost wonderful time of the year for thousands of Christians. We listen again with gladness,as the Evangelist Luke narrates the story of God’s most stupendous act. We name …

Christmas Message – Bsp Claude Berkley

My Brothers and Sisters, Friends,                                                           You probably know the chorus to the song, “Heaven came down and glory filled my soul.” It connected me to the input of the heavenly host after the birth of Jesus, and how the angel and the heavenly host erupted in praise, giving glory …