Standing Commission on Doctrine
A Standing Commission on Doctrine consisting of those holding the office of Bishop in the Province as well as four trained theologians from the Province appointed by the Archbishop. It shall be the duty of the Commission to study the various doctrinal issues that arise within the Province or that face the Anglican Communion in general, to liaise with the Commission on Liturgy in this regard and to make recommendations to the Provincial Synod on the said issues.
Standing Commission on Social Justice and Human Rights
It shall be the duty of the Commission to keep under constant review, all matters relating to Social Justice and Human Rights in the constituent territories of the Province and to make recommendations to the Synod on the development of strategies which will assist the Church in furthering its work on these issues.
Standing Commission on Liturgy and Church Music
It shall be the duty of the Commission to work towards the production of a Book of Common Prayer for the Province, and to this end: (i) to collect and collate material bearing upon the production and future revisions of the Book of Common Prayer; (ii) to prepare and present to the Synod from time to time recommendations concerning the Lectionary and the use of the Psalter; (iii) to prepare Offices for Special Occasions as authorised or directed by the Synod or the House of Bishops; (iv) to advise concerning liturgical uses; (v) to encourage the writing of new music for liturgical use and produce such compositions in its own name, collect and collate material bearing upon the production and future revisions of a West Indian Hymn Book and in general, serve the Church in the Province in matters pertaining to music.
Standing Commission on Mission, Renewal and Ecumenism
It shall be the duty of the Commission: (i) to keep the Mission of the Church under constant review and to seek out ways and means by which it can renew itself and undertake its Mission effectively; (ii) to develop a comprehensive policy and strategy on relations between the Church in the Province of the West Indies and other Churches. The Commission shall have the right to nominate persons to the Synod for appointment to serve on the governing bodies of ecumenical organisations to which the Province is affiliated and to participate in major conferences as convened by such organisations.
Standing Commission on Ministry
A Standing Commission on Ministry consisting of the Archbishop of the West Indies, the Principal of Codrington College, the Anglican Warden of the United Theological College of the West Indies (UTCWI), and a representative appointed by the Bishop of each Diocese from his Diocesan Commission on Ministry. It shall be the duty of the said Commission: (i) to institute and keep under constant review programmes for the training of the Laity, for fostering vocations to the Sacred Ministry, and for the training of the Clergy; (ii) to liaise with the Diocesan Commissions on Ministry with a view to developing a unified and effective policy regarding Ministry in the Province. The said Commission shall appoint a Provincial Scholarship Committee from among its members to consider applications for scholarship which require Provincial support or endorsement and to make recommendations to the said Commission. All applications for scholarship shall be submitted to the Provincial Scholarship Committee at least six months before the date of commencement of study. The Canons or Regulations of every Diocese in the Province shall provide for the appointment of a Commission on Ministry, the composition of which shall be determined by each Diocesan Synod, and whose function shall be to: (i) advise the Bishop of the Diocese on the recruitment and selection of candidates for Holy Orders and their training and guidance, the grant of study leave to the Clergy, the award of scholarships and any other matter relating to the ministry of the Church; (ii) formulate and monitor programmes for Christian Education in the Diocese; and (iii) liaise with the Provincial Commission on Ministry on matters relating to Christian Education.
Standing Commission on the Constitution and Canons
It shall be the duty of the Commission to review any proposed amendment to the Constitution and Canons as may be submitted to it by members of Synod and to make recommendations to the Synod on such or any amendment as the Commission may deem necessary or desirable.
Standing Commission on Youth
It shall be the duty of the Commission: (i) to receive the reports of Diocesan Youth Directors, review programmes and make recommendations with a view to the improvement of work with youth in the Province; (ii) to undertake any assignment which the Provincial Synod from time to time may delegate to it; (iii) to prepare and review the Annual Budget of the Provincial Youth Department.