Prayer for the Discernment and Election of a Bishop
Almighty and everliving God, in all ages you
have raised up faithful shepherds to pastor and guide the faithful. Increase in us the gifts of discernment and understanding that, the Elective Assembly of the Church in the Province of the
West Indies, soon to meet, might know and do your will as we prepare to elect
an Archbishop for your Church.
Send your Holy Spirit among the Bishops, other
Clergy and Laity of the Synod. Open
their minds, hearts and eyes that they may see you and choose as you would, a
new Archbishop of faith and godliness; who with compassion and grace, may lead the faithful for the renewal of your
Church’s Mission in these Caribbean lands.
Gracious and loving God, you are our guide and
Good Shepherd, in you we place our hope and trust: hear the prayers of your faithful
people, lead us to one mind and one heart in you, and show us that shepherd who
will feed and tend your flock and, in turn, give glory and honour to your name.
Grant this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer for the Synod of the CPWI
Almighty and everliving Father, you have given
the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever.
Grant to all your faithful people in the Church in Province of the West
Indies a new understanding of your mission,
a new knowledge of your love and power, a fresh vision of your glory:
That as the bishops, other clergy and laity prepare to assemble in your name
for the fortieth Triennial Synod, they may be awakened to the reality of your
presence; and that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly
discipline, may fulfil the mind of Him who loved it and gave Himself for it,
your Son Jesus Christ, our Saviour; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.